Powering your projects
We’re men of action. Regardless of whether it’s building a supply base from scratch, providing complex logistics for offshore projects or ensuring seasoned specialists are completely taken care of, we’re the ones you call on to get a job done, so that you can focus on yours.
We move heaven and earth for our clients and specialise in a range of services to keep your offshore projects on track, on budget and on time.

Our areas of expertise.

Specialised Services for
Offshore Projects
Each project has its own special needs. Find out what we can do for yours.

Hospitality Services for Offshore Projects
Your second home should be as good as your first. Find out how we can keep you and your team comfortable.

Logistics Services for Offshore Projects
Complex organisation can be simple – with the right tools and processes. Find out about our logistical support.
Expert support
Specialised Services for Offshore Projects
You’re specialists in your dedicated areas of expertise. So are we. That means you don’t have to worry about accommodation, warehousing, transport, logistics, cleaning or catering when planning and working on your offshore project. It’s our job to provide you with the things you might not have even thought about. Our specialists are here to help and facilitate your work.
Vordingborg Business Association
Getting closer
to the action
Services for EnBW Baltic 2
Energy company EnBW’s Baltic 2 wind farm is one of the largest in Germany. Until recently, the service teams were housed on hotel ships close to the turbines or flown in. MMA Offshore A/S has created a dedicated facility not just to house, but also to feed the teams and provide for their physical and mental wellbeing.

Vordingborg Business Association
The surprise price 2020
Surroundings matter
Hospitality Services for Offshore Projects
Hard work offshore requires the right facilities and relaxation onshore. We know how important good quality surroundings are for productivity. That’s why we make no compromises when it comes to our hospitality services. We provide tailored solutions for your project and ensure that your teams and crews are taken care of as well as they are home – or even better.
From accommodation and catering to relaxation, fitness and entertainment, we have the know-how and the experience to make sure your team is always providing peak performance.

Our services
to facilitate yours
to facilitate yours
We understand offshore and the unique challenges of working in remote, difficult and til sometimes unhospitable places. That’s why we’ve developed a range of services that are specifically tailored to the needs of the offshore industry.
Moving mountains
Logistics Services for Offshore Projects
Everything needs to be in the right place at the right time. What sounds simple is actually quite a logistical challenge. We take a holistic view and handle the complete logistics chain including port logistics, the transport of components and crew, supply runs to offshore platforms as well as additional services such as customs clearance, waste and container management.
From platform commissioning and wind farm installation to marine spread and surveying, we’re your partner for all your logistical challenges.
Working together is better !
We’re more than just a service provider, we’re your partner. When you need us, we’ll take care of all your offshore needs. All you need to do is call or email us.